暂未上传Logo 所属国家 中国
所属地区 上海
所属行业 休闲装
公司性质 其它
  Company introduction:
We’re garment export trading company, in partnership with US customers located in LA and NYC. We provide the convenience of a one-stop shop for our US customers through a Total Value-Added Package: from product design and development, through raw material and factory sourcing, production planning and management, quality assurance and export documentation to shipping consolidation. Instead of owning any production facilities, we manage a number of quality-conscious, cost-effective producers who can deliver to a deadline for our customers.
Quota elimination has resulted in an expansion of our quick-response capabilities in East China region. We’re looking for smart and talented individuals to join our team. Working here requires commitment, energy, flexibility — and a healthy dose of creativity. We offer exciting opportunities to learn, stretch and grow.

 发布日期 职位名称 工作地点
2006/5/16 Assistant Mechandiser (杭州市) 上海  
2006/5/16 Merchandiser (上海市) 上海  
2006/5/16 QC(杭州市) 上海  
2006/5/16 Assistant Mechandiser 上海  
北京总部  电话:010-84831466  传真:010-84831466  
全国纺织服装行业就业促进会常务理事单位  全国纺织服装专业大中院校指定合作伙伴
国资委、教育部、发改委特别支持的全国百家诚信人才网站联盟单位  中国国际贸易促进委员会-纺织行业分会会员
旗下站点: 服装网 服装人才网 纺织人才网
服装人才网 版权所有 ICP经营许可证编号 京ICP备17070104号